All Nations Will Worship
Scripture Psalms 86:9 All nations whom You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And shall glorify Your name.
Observation: Right now, we are so far from the nations worshipping God. Reading the news, it seems as if we are drawing away from God instead of drawing near. Our own country which was founded in Christ is making it harder to worship our Lord. One day however all the nations will worship, something is going to happen to open the eyes and heart of men that they will realize that God is real and worthy of our praise and they will glorify His name.
Application: I, along with all the other Christians have a job to do, we are called to spread the gospel. We are called to show God’s love and to guide them to Jesus. The world should have no excuse of not knowing who our Lord is. I need to be a light no matter where I am and how I’m feeling. I need to reflect the light of God to others and do what God has called me to do. I’m called to be a messenger and that is what I need to be doing and to worship and glorify God and acknowledge Him before others,
Prayer: Take this selfishness away from me and help me stay focused on You my Lord. As I start each day in prayer and reading, help me continue to worship You throughout the day and that others would see my devotion to you. May I be that light that shines in this world guiding the lost to You. I love you my Lord help me please finish well.