Daily Devotional

How Long Lord

Scripture Psalms 94:3 LORD, how long will the wicked, How long will the wicked triumph?

Observation: Each day I watch the news and I don’t know why. It is full of evil and breaks my heart. Just yesterday a murderer went into a school in Oregon and killed 10 people asking first what their religious beliefs were. All throughout the world is nothing but evil and hatred and I ask myself how long will God allow this. I know He wants none to perish, but each day it seems worse and the earth is turning into Hell.

Application: I’m only one person so what can I do. I can do what God calls me to do. I won’t affect the world, but if I help turn just one person from their evil ways and open their eyes to Jesus, it may be all that God has called me to do. He loves us so much that even one sinner is worth the sacrifice He made and He is calling me to be obedient to Him and focus on the lost and bring them to Him.

Prayer: My Lord my mind wanders everywhere. Help me focus on Your desires and show me how to fulfill the purpose You have created me for. I pray that my life will glorify your name and show others the love You have for them. Draw me close to You.

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