He Is Our Creator
Scripture Psalms 95:6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
Observation: Sometimes I forget that God is my creator. I forget He created me specifically with all the gifts and abilities I have for a specific purpose and one of the reasons I was created was to have fellowship with my Creator. He made me to love, so why don’t I feel loved at times? Most likely because I don’t think of my Lord as much as He thinks of me. He has watched over me each day and has guided me when I listened. I’m created to worship Him by living this life in His honor.
Application: I need to appreciate His creation as much as He does. I have everything I need to be successful in my maker’s eyes and I need to learn to start looking through them. He has given me His word and directions on how to live a life that will reap rewards and though I don’t deserve anything from my Lord, it gives Him pleasure to give them to me as my good Father. It’s so hard to accept at times but I know it’s true.
Prayer: My Lord and my Maker. Thank you for making me, me. It took a long time for me to realize I was created the way I am for a purpose and that You didn’t want to change a thing, that I was perfect in your eyes and I thank you. May I use all that you have given me to complete the tasks you have set before me. I love you my Lord may I worship you with my actions.