Love the Lord, Hate Evil
Scripture Psalms 97:10 You who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.
Observation: You can’t love the Lord and be neutral about evil. If you love the Lord you will want to do what is right in His eyes and not consider doing evil. We need to hate evil, just the thought of it should make us mad and have no desire to do anything that would constitute evil. As long as we are focused on God and doing His will, He will keep us save and keep us from evil. We aren’t only to keep from evil ourselves, but to prevent evil that we see in the world.
Application: I can’t accept evil no matter where I see it. I need to have a fire burn within me that it upsets me. I need to do something about it and if I have no control over it bring it to the Lord in prayer. I can’t have evil in me which means bad thoughts about others, which I have almost every day. I can’t have any evil (sinful) thoughts, my ways are to be pure and my focus on God. I need to trust God that He will deliver me out of evil if I stay faithful to Him.
Prayer: My Lord keep me from evil especially the evil within me. Help me stay focused on you that I will glorify your name and be an example to others. May I not accept evil, but hate it as you hate it. Draw me close to you that my heart softens and becomes more like your Son’s.