He’s Coming to Judge
Scripture Psalms 98:9 For He is coming to judge the earth. With righteousness He shall judge the world, And the peoples with equity.
Observation: We all hate to be judged. We don’t want to hear anything negative about ourselves and we don’t want to be told we did something wrong and very seldom do we let that judgment sink in so that we may improve ourselves. Well, a time is coming that we will be judged one last time and this time will matter for all eternity. We need to start looking within and judging how we are doing and work on improving. This judgment will have eternal consequences if we are found unrighteous before our Lord.
Application: I need to stop being self-righteous and to be God righteous. I need to look at my ways through God’s eyes and not my own. I need to seek to have the heart of Jesus in all that I do, so when God comes to judge me, I will find favor in His eyes. My God is righteous and because of that He is not lenient, but will judge all fairly.
Prayer: My Lord, I know you know my heart and I ask you to change it to be more like your Son. I want to do what is right, but my sinful nature puts me on other paths. Help me stay focused on you and guide me each day so I draw closer to You.