There Is Consequences
Scripture Psalms 99:8 You answered them, O LORD our God; You were to them God-Who-Forgives, Though You took vengeance on their deeds.
Observation: God forgives our sins, but our sins do have consequences. If you commit adultery God will forgive you, but you will have a broken marriage and pay the penalty. Just like any other sin we will have to pay the penalty of that sin, yet God will forgive us and still answer our prayers. God is a good father and as it is written He will discipline His child to help them learn and grow stronger and walk in the path of righteousness.
Application: I need to think and pray before I do anything. I need to think of the consequences of my actions and if the honor a\or dishonor God. I need to plan to do good deeds and make sure I’m doing them for God’s glory and not my own. I’m an ambassador for Christ and need to represent my master and stay out of trouble.
Prayer: My Lord, I thank you for your mercy and grace, I thank you for answered prayer and protection you give me from my enemies. Give me discernment to do what is right and keep me from evil and help me stay on the path of righteousness. I love you Lord and what to live each day in glory and honor to you.