Daily Devotional


Scripture Psalms 105:1 Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!

Observation: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you hear and see how we should give thanks, but rather do you ever hear to whom. God has provided all things to us, loves us and watches over us, He is the only one worthy of our praise and thanks. We are called as His children to let others know he is the one we owe thanks. He is the only one worthy and we owe Him everything. We are to call upon His name, not just when we need or want something, but especially to give thanks, remembering all that He has done and is doing in our lives.

Application: Each day I need to tell others who I give my thanks to. My life needs to reflect the love I have for my Lord without any compromise. Tomorrow especially anyone God puts in my path I need to point them to God and be the witness my Lord calls me to be and give thanks for all that I have and all that I am and especially my new home where I will be with my God forever.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for all that you have blessed me with. Please take the distractions from each day away that I may be focused on you and the plan you have for my life. I love you so much, help me live in a way that proves that to you.

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