The Beginning of Wisdom
Scripture Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
Observation: I like this verse because of the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Without the knowledge of our God nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter how smart you are or what credentials you might have, if you don’t know God. God should be what we study, to know Him and what He desires of us. We should exalt our Lord and fear not obeying Him. He holds our lives in His hand both for now and all eternity.
Application: I need to know my God more each day. I need to stay in His word and obey it, I should be meditating on the scriptures I read each day and ask God for guidance to understand. My knowledge of my Lord needs to grow each day above anything else I learn. The direction I take in my life needs to be grounded in His word and my life needs to show that.
Prayer: MY Lord, my teacher, teach me the things of you. Help me understand my purpose in this life and fulfill it in glory and honor to you. I’m your servant and your student give me wisdom to do what is right for I know when I ask for it your word tells me you will give me it abundantly. I love you Lord use me to glorify You.