Praise the Name of the Lord
Scripture Psalms 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its going down The LORD’S name is to be praised.
Observation: There is no time that we shouldn’t be praising the Lord. It doesn’t matter what is happening in our lives whether good or bad we should be praising His name. He has set aside a special place for us for all of eternity and if we keep close to Him and praise Him through this life whether day or night. We get to be with Him forever.
Application: My life should be a constant praise to my Lord. Other should be able to see the love I have for my God and see me praise Him no matter what the circumstances my joy should be steadfast. If I keep my God as the uppermost thought in my mind my life should be in continuous worship to Him. I can’t let the enemy get a hold of my mind and my heart I must be in praise at all times.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my praise, worship, love and time. Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may stay in continuous praise of You. Be with me and guide me through this life so when I get home you would be proud of your servant. I love you Lord may I live this life in a way that will show you that.