Daily Devotional

Tremble in the Presence of the Lord

Scripture Psalms 114:7 Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob,

Observation: People may ask why would you tremble in the presence of an all loving God? God is also just and has told us we will be judged at the end of our lives. We should be afraid to sin and not do what God commands us to do. He is a loving father to is children that obey and love Him, but if we are disobedient and we love ourselves more than Him we will be judged and that judgment should make us tremble.

Application: I need to fear when I know I am sinning. I need to repent immediately and live a life that will please my Father. There are so many things that I fear on this earth and nothing compares to the fear I should have when it comes to disobeying my Father. God loves me, but His judgment will be fair and final. I must live in a way that I will not have to fear how I will be judged at the end.

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to all you desire of your servant. May I be pleasing to you and be obedient to all that you call me to be. May I look forward to the day I come before you and when you see me it brings a smile to your face.

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