When I Was Low
Scripture Psalms 116:6 The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
Observation: When I read this the first thing came to mind when God saved me. I was on a beach attempting to end my life. The first time I prayed was that day and all I asked that this would be it, no heaven or hell just to stop existing. I don’t think there was anyone simpler than me. My first an unanswered prayer, but He guided me and saved me not only from death, but gave me a life worth living for Him.
Application: I’ll never forget how God saved me that day and saved me for all of eternity. I owe my Lord everything and there is nothing I can do to pay Him back. He deserves all of my love, praise, obedience and time. I need to work every day to do my best to give that to Him.
Prayer: My Lord thank you for not answering that prayer that day. Thank you for saving me at my lowest point and stood me up and opened my eyes. Guide me each day to do what pleases you. I Love you, Lord.