Daily Devotional

Praise the Lord

Scripture Psalms 117:1 Praise the LORD, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!

Observation: I had to look up Laud and it means praise or extol someone for the achievements. Everyone is called to praise Him and not from time to time, but always. God deserves are highest praise, because of who He is. He is the creator of all things, which include us. If we spent more time praising Him we would have less time worrying about things that don’t matter and we would be able to trust Him fully.

Application: I need to wake up in the morning praising my Lord and not complaining which is what I normally do. I need to praise Him in public and show my devotion to Him constantly. My Lord is worthy of my praise, love, worship and obedience. May I give it each day in glory and honor to Him.

Prayer: My Lord help me show you the praise you deserve from me. I fall short every day and I want to glorify you in all that I do. I do love you and I want to live a life that pleases you.

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