Daily Devotional

Stop Me from Looking

Scripture Psalms 119:37 Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.

Observation: Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and this is the verse that hit my heart, because this is me. I look and think of the worthless things that surrounds me and when I’m looking at these things, I’m not seeing God and what His desires are for me. I need God to revive me or slap me upside the head so that I may see what He has in store for me. This is a continuous problem for me and I can’t do it alone I need God to intervene in my life and put me on the path to His ways, not mine.

Application: You get what you focus on and I need to focus on God and His word. That needs to be my main focus in my life and I need to do what my Lord commands me to do. Enough at looking at worthless things and it’s time to see what God has put before me and do His will.

Prayer: My Lord help me please. I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice may it be holy and pleasing to you. Open my eyes and heart to your ways and speak to me and use me to glorify your name. I love you and I want to do better.

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