Month: December 2023

Tremble in the Presence of the Lord

Scripture Psalms 114:7 Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob,

Observation: People may ask why would you tremble in the presence of an all loving God? God is also just and has told us we will be judged at the end of our lives. We should be afraid to sin and not do what God commands us to do. He is a loving father to is children that obey and love Him, but if we are disobedient and we love ourselves more than Him we will be judged and that judgment should make us tremble.

Application: I need to fear when I know I am sinning. I need to repent immediately and live a life that will please my Father. There are so many things that I fear on this earth and nothing compares to the fear I should have when it comes to disobeying my Father. God loves me, but His judgment will be fair and final. I must live in a way that I will not have to fear how I will be judged at the end.

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to all you desire of your servant. May I be pleasing to you and be obedient to all that you call me to be. May I look forward to the day I come before you and when you see me it brings a smile to your face.

Praise the Name of the Lord

Scripture Psalms 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its going down The LORD’S name is to be praised.

Observation: There is no time that we shouldn’t be praising the Lord. It doesn’t matter what is happening in our lives whether good or bad we should be praising His name. He has set aside a special place for us for all of eternity and if we keep close to Him and praise Him through this life whether day or night. We get to be with Him forever.

Application: My life should be a constant praise to my Lord. Other should be able to see the love I have for my God and see me praise Him no matter what the circumstances my joy should be steadfast. If I keep my God as the uppermost thought in my mind my life should be in continuous worship to Him. I can’t let the enemy get a hold of my mind and my heart I must be in praise at all times.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my praise, worship, love and time. Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may stay in continuous praise of You. Be with me and guide me through this life so when I get home you would be proud of your servant. I love you Lord may I live this life in a way that will show you that.

Am I a Good Man?

Scripture Psalms 112:5 A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion.

Observation: after reading this description and the other qualifications that followed, I can’t say that I’m a good man. That’s probably why the Bible says there is none good, no not one. That should not however stop me from trying. I have opportunities to deal with others graciously and to lend even though it is not my nature I can work on that and to handle my affairs with discretion instead of impulse. For the rest of my life I need to make being a good man a priority and ask God for wisdom and strength to do just that. Being good can only be accomplished by the guidance of the only one that is good, our Lord.

Application: I need to search out what to do in every situation and ask for wisdom and guidance. I need to stop making rash decisions and to take every situation in prayer and ask God to guide me. Each day my goal is to be a good man and to be an example to others of that goodness.

Prayer: My Lord I’m so far away from being a good man and I need your help. I want to be that man that honors you, but selfishness, laziness and sin seems to always be in the way. Take charge my Lord of this vessel so it may be of use to you.

The Beginning of Wisdom

Scripture Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

Observation: I like this verse because of the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Without the knowledge of our God nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter how smart you are or what credentials you might have, if you don’t know God. God should be what we study, to know Him and what He desires of us. We should exalt our Lord and fear not obeying Him. He holds our lives in His hand both for now and all eternity.

Application: I need to know my God more each day. I need to stay in His word and obey it, I should be meditating on the scriptures I read each day and ask God for guidance to understand. My knowledge of my Lord needs to grow each day above anything else I learn. The direction I take in my life needs to be grounded in His word and my life needs to show that.

Prayer: MY Lord, my teacher, teach me the things of you. Help me understand my purpose in this life and fulfill it in glory and honor to you. I’m your servant and your student give me wisdom to do what is right for I know when I ask for it your word tells me you will give me it abundantly. I love you Lord use me to glorify You.

He is a Just God

Scripture Psalms 110:6 He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries.

Observation: Our God is a loving God but more importantly He is a just God. He has given us commands and ways we are called to live and has given every opportunity for us to obey. He has set up an eternal reward of blessings and prosperity, but He has also set judgment for those who do not obey. Here on earth if we did not have laws and penalties for not keeping those laws this place would be in turmoil, with sin running aboundingly. So, with our Lord to be just He must enforce his laws and the evil will be judged.

Application: My job as a Christian is to help warn those that disobey the law of its consequences. Whether they listen or not is not up to me, but if I don’t warn them, I’m disobeying God. It’s easy to tell others of God’s love, but it takes the working of the Holy Spirit to warn them about eternal doom. If I can reach one person with the truth it would be a life well spent.

Prayer: My Lord give me the courage to be truthful to those you put in my path. Show me how to be obedient to you and be an example of your faithfulness and to share about your judgment that is coming. Help me be faithful to you.

Praise the Lord

Scripture Psalms 109:30 I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.

Observation: We should praise the Lord with our mouth and not only in silence alone. We are to let others know who we praise and why. We are to bring others to Christ and let our light show to those God surrounds us with. Our faith and praise need to be obvious to others and we need to live the life God calls us to. We are not to keep our light under a basket, but it should shine that others may see the one we praise. The only testimony we have is our life we should be sharing that with others.

Application: I’ve started a Facebook page with the group Getting Over Depression and have included as many friends as I could. Some are sharing their testimony while others are receiving that blessing. It is helping to let our light shine and is a form of praise. I need to keep going sharing the mercy God has shown me and letting my light shine through the dark.

Prayer: My Lord give me the strength to praise you to all that you place in my path. May this life be a light to someone that wouldn’t find you. Help me bring others to your loving grace and may this life praise you each day glorifying you.

Oh Lord Be Exalted

Scripture Psalms 108:5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, And Your glory above all the earth;

Observation: I’ve written before how the Lord needs to be exalted in all of the earth. That this world should exalt Him and that His majesty is revealed in His creation. However, is His name exalted in my life. Do my actions, thoughts and words exalt God or are they the same as this evil world. Each day I get caught up in the pressures of this world, my mind turns to hate before love and I worry about things that I should know God has a handle on. My life does not exalt my Lord and that is the only thing that I’m in control of. I can’t change the world, but I can change me, if I so desire.

Application: I need to exalt my Lord and my God in my life and in my heart. I need to be sincere with my worship to my Lord and not to hide it. There are times I need to be by myself and pray to my God, but there are times I need to live this life that others can see my worship to my Lord. I need to exalt Christ in the way that I live and treat others.

Prayer: My Lord, I do love you and my desire is to worship you at all times and I know you know how often I fail at that. I need your strength to carry me on to fulfill my life’s purpose and to exalt You each day. Help me make you proud of you servant and that I will glorify your name.