Month: December 2023

If Only We Would Give Thanks

Scripture Psalms 107:8 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

Observation: Oh, if we only would. We thank God when things are going the way we want, but how often do we thank Him for all of our daily provisions. As Christians we have so much more to be thankful for, we have the promise of eternal life with our Lord and for that we can’t thank Him enough. Can you imagine if everyone gave thanks to God for all that we have, how different the world would be? There is so much to be thankful for as we look around us, unfortunately so many of us decide to look at all the negative things instead of the blessings.

Application: I need to make it a point to start of each day remembering my Lords blessings in my life and as I go through the day thank Him as I see more. A grateful heart is what the Lord will notice and be blessed and my goal in this life is to bless my Lord. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and God gave me the strength to tell each member of my new family how blessed I was to be part of it. It blessed those who heard, it blessed me to be able to convey my thoughts and I know it blessed God to hear.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to bless you. Increase my grateful heart that I will see even more of how you bless me each day and that my heart will be full of love for you and others.

How Soon We Forget

Scripture Psalms 106:13 They soon forgot His works; They did not wait for His counsel,

Observation: Every day I make decisions without consulting God in what direction He wants me to go. I forget all that He has gotten me through and I make decisions in regards to my finances, my work, how to spend my time and to get the things that I want. I seem to only ask for guidance when I’m completely lost and have no idea where to go, because of poor decisions that I made earlier. It’s hard to believe at times that God wants to be involved in the trivial things of my life, but if you love someone you want them part of everything and asking for His guidance in the everyday things of life is like telling Him that you love and trust Him in everything and that honors Him.

Application: I need to always know that God is with me and desires fellowship with His child. I need to have Him involved in all aspects of my life so that I don’t stray and live a life that will please Him. I need God on my heart at all times and ask Him what He desires me to do in all situations. He has been faithful to me all of my life and I know he wants the best for me no matter what might be happening in my life. To call on my Lord is trusting Him and that honors Him. If I ask for His guidance first, I will not be in trouble later.

Prayer: My Lord, I do love you and what you as the main part of my life. I want to walk with you and talk to you and be guided by you. My Lord you are the way and the truth keep me on that path that I may come home to a proud Father.


Scripture Psalms 105:1 Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!

Observation: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you hear and see how we should give thanks, but rather do you ever hear to whom. God has provided all things to us, loves us and watches over us, He is the only one worthy of our praise and thanks. We are called as His children to let others know he is the one we owe thanks. He is the only one worthy and we owe Him everything. We are to call upon His name, not just when we need or want something, but especially to give thanks, remembering all that He has done and is doing in our lives.

Application: Each day I need to tell others who I give my thanks to. My life needs to reflect the love I have for my Lord without any compromise. Tomorrow especially anyone God puts in my path I need to point them to God and be the witness my Lord calls me to be and give thanks for all that I have and all that I am and especially my new home where I will be with my God forever.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for all that you have blessed me with. Please take the distractions from each day away that I may be focused on you and the plan you have for my life. I love you so much, help me live in a way that proves that to you.

God Controls All Things

Scripture Psalms 104:14 He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the service of man, That he may bring forth food from the earth,

Observation: This is a wonderful Psalm the whole Psalm tells of God greatest and explains that everything exists and is cared for by God. It takes away any myth of evolution and describes God loving care over this place.

Application: I need to start looking more at God’s creation on this earth and see His mighty hand in it. I should be in awe of His greatest in the things that I see and how perfectly it was made and see the details of His creation. Then realize he created me in that same perfection that He has created everything else.

Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all my praise and obedience. I thank you for your mercy and this home that you have provided me and look forward to being with you forever in the home you have created me for all eternity.

Don’t Forget His Love

Scripture Psalms 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:

Observation: Every day I seem to dwell on the negative things that surround me. My thoughts typically are anxious and negative sometimes filled with anger because of what I think of. I forget the things that God has done for me and what He desires, but when I do remember my heart is full of gratitude and peace, because He has done so much in my life. Our lives are full of God’s blessing and even the evil that might be happening to us now God can work for good.

Application: I need to fill my heart and mind of the things of God. I need to take time each day when I get up and fill myself with the grace God has given me. When bad things come, and they will, I need to recall a time when God embraced me and led me through times of trouble. You can’t love someone if you don’t think of them and my desire is to love my Lord with all of my heart, mind and soul.

Prayer: My Lord, I thank you for all you’ve done for me and what You are doing and are going to do. May I treasure your blessing in my heart that they will always be there whenever I need them. I love you and want you on my mind and heart all day long.

He Never Changes

Scripture Psalms 102:27 But You are the same, And Your years will have no end.

Observation: Sometimes we think God changes, maybe His love for us is less or He is less concerned about us. God never changes the only thing that can change is us. We need to know always that God loves and cares for us and He continues to work in our life, making us the people he desires us to be. God doesn’t change, but we must change daily to become more like Jesus and complete the purpose that has been set up for us since the beginning.

Application: As God doesn’t change neither does His word. I need to keep in study and grow in the knowledge God puts before me. I need to be obedient knowing what God has called me to do. I need to be secure in the fact that God will never change and that He will always love me.

Prayer: My Lord, my Father. I know that you love me my question is why. Give me strength in knowing that you do and that all you desire of me is my obedience to what you set before me. May I honor you and show you my love every day and that you will continue to change me to be more like you Son, Jesus.

Behaving Wisely

Scripture Psalms 101:2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

Observation: I wish that was my testimony that I behave wisely and in a perfect way. That is what I desire to do, but during the course of a day I do something that I regret and my perfect way is not perfect. I desire a perfect heart, a heart that glorifies God and I try, but again it is short lived as I think of my desires, lustful thoughts and greedy ways. I truly desire to do the things this Psalm says and I pray I do better so when the Lord comes, He’ll be pleased with me.

Application: Realize instantly when I’m not behaving in that perfect way and repent and do what is right. I know this will be a constant battle, because of my sinful ways, but my Lord deserves the best of me. My perfect way and perfect heart are to model Jesus in this life to ask myself what would Jesus do in each circumstance that comes into my life. I need to pray and meditate on my Lord and His ways and duplicate them the best that I can.

Prayer: My Lord and my God help me by softening this hard heart of mine. May I be more like Jesus each day walking and behaving in a perfect way so that you will be will pleased with this child of yours. My desire is to please and show you that I love You.