The Lord Loves the Righteous
Scripture Psalms 146:8 The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; The LORD raises those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous.
Observation: Our Lord can do anything, straighten out any bad situation, heal us of any disease, He raises us up when we are down and recognizes when we are being humble and obedient and most of all He loves us. He loves us all the time and He will guide us when we are trying to do the right thing by honoring Him. He is always there and never gives up on us.
Application: I’ve been feeling down for some time now. The enemy is pushing my buttons and I’m dancing to his tune. Instead of turning to my Lord I’ve been trying to take this on myself, with no success. God is right there stretching out His hand to help and I need to stop turning around, but grab on with all of my might and beg for His protection and guidance. This is not a fight I can win on my own it will take God fighting for me to triumph.
Prayer: My Lord I’m nothing without you and I need you so desperately to pull me out of this pit I have fallen into. Draw me close to You and protect me against this enemy I have no power over. Please fight for your servant and command me on what you desire me to do.