Making the Same Mistake
Scripture Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.
Observation: That’s me at times, making the same mistake over and over. God has saved me from depression and has given me a way out, but at times I return to the thing that has caused me so much pain. The enemy knows me too well and when I turn from my Lord he is right there telling me how unworthy I am and he’s right. I am unworthy of the greatest love ever, but it doesn’t seem to deter my God from giving it to me.
Application: It’s not whether I’m worthy or not, in fact it’s not about me at all. It’s about my God that is so loving that He wants to give it to me no matter what and if I trust in Him, He will guide me through this life until it is time to go home. I want to go home now and by pass all this pain, but it’s not about me, but about Him and I’m to stay until He calls me home. It’s a new day and I need not be the fool that repeats his folly, but to be a child of God that appreciates all that He give me.
Prayer: My Lord I am that fool, help me to be wise and see what you desire of this life you have given me. Please give me strength and courage to finish this race that I wish was over, but see it through your eyes and help make me the victor as I continue to the finish line.