A Fool Vents
Scripture Proverbs 29:11 A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.
Observation: I’ve done that, vented my feelings without considering the consequences. Others typically don’t want to hear your troubles and it seems those that do can’t wait to tell someone else. There is a difference from asking someone to hold you accountable than just telling them all your feelings without thinking.
Application: I need to be the wise man and think before I speak. If I’m talking just to talk, then that is a sign I should not say anything at all. I need to be careful of what I say and to whom I say it. I need to take in consideration others feelings the one I’m talking to and the one I might be talking about.
Prayer: My Lord give me wisdom to only speak when I should be speaking. That my words would encourage others and that I would be an example of your love. I love you and what to be a better witness for you.