We Are Called to Be One
Scripture Song of Songs 6:3 I am my beloved’s, And my beloved is mine. He feeds his flock among the lilies.
Observation: Teri is not only my wife, but I’m also her husband. I know that might be a redundant statement, but do we look at our marriages that way, that we are each other’s? I almost always say that Teri is my wife and by that it sounds that she has certain duties to perform as wife, but I’m also her husband and I do have the duties of the husband to perform according to God. We are called to be one and each one of us deserves the love and respect that God calls us to give to each other.
Application: To focus more that I’m Teri’s husband and she should depend on me doing the duties of a husband. God has created me with the ability to control one thing and that thing is me and to only focus on what I should be doing as the husband in this relationship.
Prayer: My Lord next to being your child the greatest blessing I have is being Teri’s husband. I thank you for this precious gift and I ask guidance as we continue along the path you have chosen for us.