He Hears Our Prayers
Scripture Isaiah 38:5 Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will add to your days fifteen years.
Observation: Throughout the bible prophets hear from God and God tells them He knows what is happening on this earth. Here He tells him that He has heard the prayer of Hezekiah and will answer it. God hears our prayers and He will answer them according to His will and wisdom. He is not ignoring us as we sometimes might think, He is answering in His own way.
Application: When I pray, I need to do it with a sincere heart and not a repetition of what might be going on in my head. I need to come to my Father in awe and humbly bow down to Him knowing He knows what is best. I must thank Him every day for giving me an audience before the King.
Prayer My Lord show me how to pray in a way that will draw me closer to You. You do not exist for my pleasure, but I for yours. Show me how to be more obedient to You and show me how to glorify your name.