Not My Problem
Scripture Isaiah 39:8 So Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the LORD which you have spoken is good!” For he said, “At least there will be peace and truth in my days.”
Observation: Isaiah just told the king Hezekiah that Babylon was going to take away all his riches and his children after he dies. His only thought after hearing that grave news was that he won’t have to deal with it. I see that all around me including myself. I’m old and you see all of the evil around us, but I should be able to get out of this without too much trouble. What about our children and grandchildren though, what are we leaving them?
Application: I need to pray more for my country and the leadership. I need to do whatever I can to help ensure that my children and grandchildren will be able to live and prosper. I need to put their needs before my own. My Lord has taken care of my future and I know He can take care of theirs.
Prayer My Lord all I can see around me is trouble and evil. Open my eyes so that I may see your hand in all of this. I ask for protection for this country and that our leaders will lead with biblical principles with You in mind. Please watch over our children and that they will seek You with all of the heart and mind.