We Are Grieving God
Scripture Jeremiah 6:77 As a fountain wells up with water,
So she wells up with her wickedness.
Violence and plundering are heard in her.
Before Me continually are grief and wounds.
Observation: Sure, sounds like America today. The violence is overwhelming and the rioters and rich are plundering all they can. The word of God seems to be silent in the midst of this chaos, which must also grief the heart of God. I’m not sure how long God will withhold His judgement. I can’t believe that in the days of Noah or Sodom and Gomorrah it could have been any worse.
Application: Judgement day is coming. No one knows when but all I have to do is look around me and Satan is having a ball. It’s time to be ready and do God’s will so we will be busy when He comes. I need to do whatever it is God calls me to do each day. I need to half a broken heart for those that don’t know Him and not be content that I have eternal life by the sacrifice of my Savior.
Prayer My Lord your servant is lazy please give me strength and a heart for the lost. Use me to proclaim the gospel no matter what the cost to me. You are worthy of all my love, all my obedience and all of my praise.