Our Sins have Separated Us from God
Scripture Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
And your sins have hidden His face from you,
So that He will not hear.
Observation: Our sins have separated us from God and He can’t hear our plea. Jesus came so that God, the Father and us can be united. Jesus took my sins and gave me a pathway to God. I’m united to my Lord because of Jesus love for me.
Application: Jesus is our only help in this fallen world. God has given me an assignment to reach out and tell those that He surrounds me with about the hope of eternal life. I need to seek God for wisdom on how He wants me to use what He has blessed me with for His glory.
Prayer Dear Jesus thank you for your sacrifice and love. I’m heading home because of You and can’t wait to tell you face to face how much I love You.