God Knows Me
Scripture Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Observation: God knew me before I was even born. He formed me the way He desired, so why don’t I feel as if I was created for a purpose and not God’s mistake? Lately I’ve been feeling depressed and see no purpose for my life. When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior over twenty years ago, I was doing all sorts of things for God and now nothing. I feel as if God forgot about me and I have no idea of the direction I should go. I feel whatever it was I was supposed to accomplish has been done and it’s time to go home, but I’m still here and I don’t know why.
Application: I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and stop looking for ways to make me happy. That was never why I was formed in the first place. God created me for Him and though I’m pretty sure I wasn’t ordained to be a prophet to the nations, I was called to fulfill His purpose. I need to remember God created me the way I am, so He must think that I’m pretty special. I still woke up this morning so instead of trying to figure out why I need to ask what’s on your agenda for today my Lord.
Prayer Lord it’s difficult being home by myself most of the day, but I’m discovering Satan is here shooting fiery darts at me. I feel defeated most of the time, but how can I lose with You next to me. Remind me each day to tell Satan to move over to make room for you to sit by my side. I love you Lord and I need your help today and I’ll be asking for it again tomorrow.