We Brought This on Ourselves
Scripture Jeremiah 2:17 Have you not brought this on yourself,
In that you have forsaken the LORD your God
When He led you in the way?
Observation: The problems that we are seeing in this country is as much our fault as anything else. Christians have never stopped the evil from spreading since prayer was taken out of the schools and God was taken out of our government. We are to blame for allowing this to happen, we stood by and did nothing. We didn’t even slow down Satan as he used evil men and women to alter laws to take God out of America. We are paying the price now, as our churches are closed and our freedoms are taken away.
Application: I need to find a way to do my part in bringing God back to the nation. I don’t have any authority, but I have the Holy Spirit that will guide me. If only I can reach a person or two and open their eyes to the Lord so that they may tell others.
Prayer My Lord I beg for your forgiveness for what we have done. Your children allowed this to happen and we ask for Your guidance on how we may help fix this. We need you on the throne of our lives and this country. Command us to what you want us to do.