Daily Devotional

Evil Follows the Dictates of their Hearts

Scripture Jeremiah 13:10 This evil people, who refuse to hear My words, who follow the dictates of their hearts, and walk after other gods to serve them and worship them, shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing.

Observation: There is so much evil in this world and it’s because no one listens to the word of God. People just do whatever they feel and follow anyone that will pay them. They are so easily swayed and have no problem doing what is wrong. They have no good in them and follow evil and are profitable for nothing.

Application: I need to be the best example I can be. I should go out of my way to be a blessing to others and be the ambassador of God He calls me to be. It shouldn’t matter what others do to me here, because my home is with God forever in Heaven. I need to be faithful so that I may hear the words well done good and faithful servant.

Prayer Dear Lord I am selfish and easily distracted. Please help me stay focused on the plan that you have for this life and that I don’t get off track. I love You and can’t wait to be with you.

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