Daily Devotional

Why Aren’t We Listening?

Scripture Jeremiah 16:12 And you have done worse than your fathers, for behold, each one follows the dictates of his own evil heart, so that no one listens to Me.

Observation: Each generation seems to fall farther from God. Our government and schools are removing Him completely and even the churches are preaching false doctrine. God has given us His word and commands but we are not listening, we are ignoring the only truth left in this world and we will pay the consequences.

Application: I need to stop focusing on all that is in this world. I have become engulfed with all of the evil around me and I’m allowing myself to go astray. I need to stop and listen for God’s guidance and stop being pulled into this world. I have a purpose that only God knows and need to listen every day for instructions.

Prayer My Lord forgive me for turning a deaf ear to You. You are the only one that has the way to life and I need to hear from You. Command your servant and guide me this day.

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