Daily Devotional

The Lord Searches Our Heart

Scripture Jeremiah 17:10 I, the LORD, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.

Observation: God searches our heart to see if there is any righteousness in us. He tells us in other scriptures that He doesn’t look at the outward appearance of man but his heart. The heart is our true self whether we are loving or hateful. Out of the mouth comes the wellspring of the heart. Fortunately, our heart can be changed by God He can test our mind through trials and give us a heart of flesh. We can change our ways and increase our fruit.

Application: My heart is evil. Whenever I’m not thinking of my Lord my mind wanders and turns to evil and I know this is a heart problem. I praise God, then want some of His children to suffer for what they have done. I need to change the source of my anger and hatred, my heart.

Prayer Please Lord take this heart of stone out of me and replace it with a heart of flesh. I want to be loving and kind, but that is not my nature, please change your servant to be the man you desire me to be.

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