Daily Devotional

We Are the Potter’s Vessel

Scripture Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.

Observation: The vessel I was before Jesus entered my life was marred and cracked. I could serve no purpose I was in such bad shape. Then Jesus came into my life and I was born again or made again. He repaired and reformed me into a vessel that He could use. I may not be a noble vessel, but I’m a vessel that can be used.

Application: I can’t put myself on the shelf, but be ready to serve. I was created by God to serve a purpose. Every morning and throughout the day I need to see how the Potter wants to use me. He continually makes some adjustment and fixes a crack or two and then I’m ready to be used.

Prayer My Lord thank you that you didn’t just toss this broken vessel away, but that you saw some use for me and repaired me to be used by You. Guide me on how you desire to use me today and direst my paths to glorify you.

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