He is Our God
Scripture Jeremiah 30:22 ‘You shall be My people,
And I will be your God.’”
Observation: We have fallen so far from God, but He continues to call us to Him. We are His creation, His children if we will receive God as our King. The greatest title I could have is to be God’s child. He is a gracious God and will give us the choice if we want Him to rule our life and won’t force us.
Application: For me I want to continue to draw close to my God and I freely give Him this life as a living sacrifice hoping that it will be holy and pleasing to Him. I am His child and I want Him to guide me through this life because without Him I am lost.
Prayer My Lord please draw me nearer to You each day. Show me what would please You for you are worthy of all of my love, praise and obedience.