Nothing Too Hard for God
Scripture Jeremiah 32:17 ‘Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.
Observation: We get so involved with all of the trouble we are seeing that we fall into anxiety forgetting that God can handle any situation. It’s funny the harder times get the farther we fall from our only hope and stay focused on the problem and not the problem solver. We take the creator of all things out of our world and wonder why everything is going so wrong.
Application: I am just as bad as most focusing on the things around me instead of focusing on what God wants me to do. I need to remind myself there is nothing that God can’t do and there is nothing hidden from Him. He sees what is happening and is waiting for us to turn to Him. He has given me a choice each day on what to do and how to act and I need to act in faith, know that He will do what is right.
Prayer My Lord and creator You are my God. Lord increase my faith and that I may always look to You above anything else. Humble me for I’m your servant, please command me today and what You desire of me. I love You Lord.