Time to Repent
Scripture Jeremiah 35:15 I have also sent to you all My servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Turn now everyone from his evil way, amend your doings, and do not go after other gods to serve them; then you will dwell in the land which I have given you and your fathers.’ But you have not inclined your ear, nor obeyed Me.
Observation: Turning from your evil ways is the definition of repent. Repent is truing from our evil ways and walking towards God or amending our ways. We have been warned through God’s words and the prophets on what we are called to do and we have no excuse. So many have gone to other gods, Money, security and greed and we are called to repent from this evil. Time is coming when we will no longer be here and it will be our choice where we spend eternity.
Application: God needs to be the most important thing in my life. My service to Him should be number one in my life. I need to make sure what I do and my thoughts honors God. I’ve been warned and have no excuses to do what is right in His eyes.
Prayer My Lord you sit on the throne of my life. Please command me to be obedient to You today. Direct my paths bless me as I walk the beach today that I will be doing what pleases You. You are my God and there are no other gods before You.