Daily Devotional

God’s Word Will Last Forever

Scripture Jeremiah 36:28 “Take yet another scroll, and write on it all the former words that were in the first scroll which Jehoiakim the king of Judah has burned.

Observation: That is what happens today people try to destroy God’s word or simply ignore it, but it will last forever. Many try to discredit the bible, but it always comes out to be the word of God. The prophesies can’t be denied and the testimonies of His saints continue to grow on how the Lord has changed them through his word.

Application: I’m such a testimony of how God’s grace, mercy and love have affected my life. I need to be bold and share my testimony and to continue to read God’s word each day. I need it to be imbedded into my heart so when I need to use it will always be with me.

Prayer My Lord your word is food for my soul and I need it each day to survive. Place in my heart the words that I will need today and use me to be a light in this dark place. I love You Lord and want to honor You.

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