Month: June 2024

There is a Future and a Hope

Scripture Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Observation: I pray this verse every day to remind me that God has a purpose for my life. It’s a reminder no matter what might be happening in our lives that God is thinking of our good. When we don’t think we have much of a future God is telling us we do and there is hope for each one of us. Even though we may not feel like there is much hope here on this earth there is a new one coming.

Application: To live without fear knowing that God has this handled. We continue to be warned in scriptures about trials and we should expect them, but knowing that God loves us and as a plan. Every day that I wake I need to thank God for His love and provisions and ask Him what His plans are for the day.

Prayer Lord, I can’t thank you enough for loving me even though I’m not loveable. I ask you to guide my path today and put people in my path that I may speak the words you have for them. Whatever future and hope I have left on this earth may it be used to glorify You.

They Make Us Trust in a Lie

Scripture Jeremiah 28:15 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, “Hear now, Hananiah, the LORD has not sent you, but you make this people trust in a lie.

Observation: There are so many in influence today that are trying to make us trust in a lie. They ignore God and try to take Him out of this country that was founded on His Word. Now we see some of these leaders tell us they are believers in Jesus and they are the ones doing His will, when in fact they are not. Hananiah died for his false prophesying and we will see what God does with the current day false prophets.

Application: I need to stay away from the lies and things that are beyond my control, which is just about everything. These leaders are lying to God’s children to harm them. This is not my fight but my Lord’s and I need to trust Him to do what is right in His eyes, not mine.

Prayer My Lord please judge those that are doing harm to your children. The enemy has a hold of this country, please break us free and restore us or end it now and bring us home.

God Created Everything

Scripture Jeremiah 27:5 I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me.

Observation: So many people alive today and in the past have a problem that God created everything, because if that is true than He is in control and makes the rules. Sinners want to do whatever they feel like doing without regards to God so the only way they can justify that is to say that there is no God. That is how evolution and the Big Bang Theory came about, even though there is no proof to back up those theories people liked the idea of no one telling them what to do. Today so many in authority are trying to eliminate God from our country so they can continue to do evil without consequences.

Application: Unfortunately for them there is a God and He is alive and well, there will be a reckoning for those that don’t believe in our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus as there will be an eternal home for those who do. I need to stay the course of what God has called me to do so when it comes time to knock on the door I won’t hear “I didn’t know you,” but, “Welcome good and faithful servant.’

Prayer My Lord, I see you every day in your creation and feel you in my heart. I thank you for all that You have created and this time you have given me. I can’t wait to come home, but ask that You use me while I’m here.

Listen and Turn from Evil

Scripture Jeremiah 26:3 Perhaps everyone will listen and turn from his evil way, that I may relent concerning the calamity which I purpose to bring on them because of the evil of their doings.’

Observation: Not many of us listen to God any more. We are too busy listening to ourselves or the evil that is being spread each day. We don’t listen to God’s words or obey His commands and because of this we are consumed with evil. We give God no choice but to dole out His justice on this wicked world. If only we would listen and repent and turn from our wicked ways, we would be saved.

Application: I need to speak out what God calls me to say and maybe someone might hear. To speak the words of God with love and conviction so that others might hear and turn. I have no authority, but am only a servant of the most high God. The holy Spirit will do his will and hopefully open the eyes of those that do evil.

Prayer Dear Lord you have created my inmost being and have created me into a vessel that You can use. Please use this vessel today to help someone see and hear your word.

The End of This Earth

Scripture Jeremiah 25:33 And at that day the slain of the LORD shall be from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall become refuse on the ground.

Observation: Jerimiah is prophesizing the end of this earth as the apostle John in revelation did. We can look around today and see we must be coming close to the end of God’s patience with us as it was in the days of Noah. The end will be quick as fire falls from the skies and the angels complete their tasks of ending the sin of this earth. You can’t blame God for what He’s about to do. You can look around and wonder why He didn’t do it sooner.

Application: Even though I deserve the same harsh treatment as so many will experience, I will be spared and live with my Lord forever as so many of His children will do. Jesus paid the price for my salvation and there is nothing I can do to repay Him for His mercy to me. He did however give me a task to do and even though my salvation isn’t dependent on me completing this task He is testing my love for Him by my obedience. He asked me to spread the gospel and to tell others what He has done for me. How He loves us and desires to spend all eternity with us. How can I say no to that?

Prayer My Lord I owe You everything and I want to be an obedient servant to You. Be with me today as I walk put in my path the people you want me to speak to and put the words in my mouth that will open their heart to You. I love you Lord.

A New Heart from God

Scripture Jeremiah 24:7 Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.

Observation: We are so focused on all the evil that surrounds us we stray away from our God. We need a new heart one that is focused on God and what He requires of us. Our joy comes only from the Lord and as we draw farther away from Him so goes our joy. The Christians are God’s people and we need to return to Him with our whole heart for He never leaves us or forsakes us.

Application: Keep my focus on God and His will for my life. I’ve been reading, praying and spreading the gospel by walking down by the beach each day. I need to continue to do at least that and more to glorify God with this life He has blessed me with. I need to love Him with my whole heart.

Prayer Dear Lord help me serve you and others in your name. It’s a constant fight with me as my mind wanders from You. Give me the heart I need to stay the course and finish this race in glory and honor to your name.

False Prophets

Scripture Jeremiah 23:17 They continually say to those who despise Me,
‘The LORD has said, “You shall have peace” ’;
And to everyone who walks according to the dictates of his own heart, they say,
No evil shall come upon you.’ ”

Observation: God is speaking of the false prophets and we are surrounded by them today. The ones that speak the gospel of prosperity and we should do what is right in our own hearts. False prophets have started their own religions drawing God’s children away from Him and causing them eternal harm. They say that God wants the best for us here instead of God wants our best.

Application: To do my part in telling others God true word and that we are in trouble. We are called to a purpose and the eternal rewards that will be granted if we obey. To tell others are comfort is in God no matter what we may be going through.

Prayer Dear Lord tell me what to say and show me how I should act to help others see the truth. To call out false doctrine and to reveal the lies that others may have been taught and to show them the way to You.