Month: June 2024

We Need to Repent

Scripture Jeremiah 8:6 I listened and heard,
But they do not speak aright.
No man repented of his wickedness,
Saying, ‘What have I done?’
Everyone turned to his own course,
As the horse rushes into the battle.

Observation: people don’t see the wrong they have done, because they don’t want to. No one wants to be held accountable for their actions so instead of repenting they try to justify the wrong they do. Since they don’t repent or admit their mistakes they continue in their sins.

Application: I need to stop making excuses for my sins and repent. Repent means to turn away from our sins and turn towards God to be focused on Him and His desires. I’m so focused on all the trouble that is happening and my heart gets filled with anger and hate and I want to express my own opinions and fuel the fire. I need to repent and fill my heart with God’s love and not my own sinful ways.

Prayer Dear Lord I’m having a difficult time staying focused on what You desire of this life. I’m so easily distracted by the evil around me that I get pulled in and fuel the fire. Lord help me turn from this evil and draw closer to You.

Obey God’s Voice

Scripture Jeremiah 7:23 But this is what I commanded them, saying, Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’

Observation: All we need to do is obey our God. He deserves our love and obedience and He should be the most important thing in my life, but every day it seems He takes a back seat of what I’m doing that day. I’m so self-absorbed that my mind wanders from my focus on God. He asks so little of me He just wants me to obey His commandment which are for my own good.

Application: God knows how weak I am and gives me the Holy Spirit so I’ll stay on track, but I still have the choice to listen. How I wish I didn’t have that choice but was just forced to obey, but that’s not love. I need to put God first in everything that I’m doing, He deserves at least that. When I chose to do something, I need to make sure it’s in line with God’s commandment and that I’m obedient in His calling for my life.

Prayer Dear Lord you know your servant more than he knows himself. You know I’m doubleminded and my attention span is short. I can’t do this without You and I need the Holy Spirit each day to get me through so that I will be obedient. You deserve the best I am and so much more.