Daily Devotional

Pray for Us

Scripture Jeremiah 37:3 And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah, and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, the priest, to the prophet Jeremiah, saying, “Pray now to the LORD our God for us.”

Observation: That is what I hear every day to pray to the Lord for our country and it needs prayer, but is it worthy to be prayed for. Our country is going to the enemy and we remove God in everything we do and then we ask Him to bless us. My prayer is that He would have mercy and save this country because of the righteous that dwell here. Along with prayer we as His children need to take action and glorify Him. We can’t be that silent majority any longer but be willing to fight for our beliefs.

Application: I need to do my part and glorify God in any way I can. I can’t hide any longer in our country, but must speak out and direct others to God. My top priority is to do God’s will in fulfilling the purpose He has created me for. I need to be a light and not a dim glow.

Prayer My Lord I need strength and wisdom to accomplish what You wish. I’m afraid and need your strength and boldness to be that light You call me to be. My only fear should be not to do what You created me to do.

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