Daily Devotional

The Days Are Coming

Scripture Jeremiah 51:47 Therefore behold, the days are coming
That I will bring judgment on the carved images of Babylon;
Her whole land shall be ashamed,
And all her slain shall fall in her midst.

Observation: The day is coming when God will judge this nation. We have gone so far from God’s commands and we deserve the judgement God will bring. We are killing each other and have divided the people in America and have put evil leaders in charge. We Christians do so little and complain about what is happening. It’s not that our country is being destroyed by evil people, but that God’s children are doing very little to stop it.

Application: I need to get rid of my hate and fill my heart with love. To draw closer to God that I might hear His voice and be guided by His will. I need to stop complaining and ask God what He wants of me, to be the light He calls me to be.

Prayer My Lord I’m yours help me please do what You want of me. Take this laziness from me and give me strength to finish this race in glory and honor to You.

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