Daily Devotional

Jesus Changed Our Prison Garments

Scripture Jeremiah 52:33 So Jehoiachin changed from his prison garments, and he ate bread regularly before the king all the days of his life.

Observation: When I read this verse the first thing that came to mind was how I was a prisoner of sin most of my life, but when Jesus came into my life that changed and He freed me. He took away my prison cloths and dressed me in His righteousness, which I don’t deserve. He feeds me each day form the table of grace and I need for nothing with Him in my life.

Application: I need to have an attitude of gratitude for what Jesus has done for me. Each day I need to thank Him for freeing me from the terrible prison I was in and giving me hope and a purpose. I need to use this freedom to help free other prisoners that are being held captive by Satan, by introducing them to the great redeemer.

Prayer My Lord, thank you for your mercy, for setting me free from the chains I was bond with most of my life. May I use this freedom to serve you each day and show my love for you.

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