Daily Devotional

Our Enemies Rejoice

Scripture Lamentations 2:16 All your enemies have opened their mouth against you;
They hiss and gnash their teeth.
They say, “We have swallowed her up!
Surely this is the day we have waited for;
We have found it, we have seen it!”

Observation: This could be America. Our enemies both domestic and abroad have been waiting for the day that we lose our independence. They want us to suffer and be part of the one world order and take our riches. We have been disobedient to our God and unless we repent, humble ourselves and seek His face and beg for forgiveness and mercy our enemies may have their way.

Application: God has put on my heart to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 and to pray for my country. To encourage others to pray and seek God’s face that He may show favor to us. To pray for our President and his family that they will be kept safe.

Prayer Dear Lord I humbly come before you. Draw me close to You that I will know You better. Show me any wickedness in my heart that I may repent. Please Lord save this country and that we will turn back to You. Only You can do this, please heal this land.

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