Daily Devotional

We Have No Right to Complain

Scripture Lamentations 3:39 Why should a living man complain,
A man for the punishment of his sins?

Observation: We don’t like to be punished, whether we deserve it or not. We’ll go to great lengths to justify or case, but in our hearts, we know we are wrong. However punishment is good, we learn from our mistakes more quickly. If we never punished our children they would be totally out of control.

Application: Instead of complaining about being punished for the wrong that I do, I need to repent and understand what I did and to never do it again. These are opportunities for me to be more like Jesus and to fulfill the purpose God has created me for.

Prayer My Lord I think at times I’m doing well, but know in my heart you deserve so much more. May I not try to cover up my sin, but accept my punishment and learn not do to it again. If you didn’t love me as much as you do you wouldn’t discipline your child.

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