God Has No Pity for Evil
Scripture Ezekiel 9:10 And as for Me also, My eye will neither spare, nor will I have pity, but I will recompense their deeds on their own head.”
Observation: Some people think that God is only love and would not harm, not even those who do evil. God is just and hates sin and that is what is happening in this world today. All the evil that people do will be on their heads unless they turn to Jesus for forgiveness. You can see the pride in these evil people and that Satan has them under his control.
Application: Do my best to get the word of God out. Help those that might be on the fence to receive Jesus as their Lord and savior. Go where the Holy Spirit leads me and do as I have been commanded. I have one job to do and that is to be obedient to my Lord.
Prayer Dear Lord please take the focus off of me and open my heart to do what You have called me to do. Continue to guide me on this quest and that I may complete it to your liking. Today may I do something that will bring a smile to your face.