Daily Devotional

A Heart of Flesh

Scripture Ezekiel 11:19 Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh,

Observation: That is what God did for me, He took my stony hard heart and turned it into a heart of flesh. Before Jesus came into my life, I didn’t care about anyone, but myself and everything I did was for me. He changed my heart and gave me a new spirit and purpose. My heart stills hardens from time to time, but God continues to soften it and helps me to see others through His eyes.

Application: I need to continue to go to my Father and humble myself before Him. If I have any wicked ways within me, I need to ask forgiveness and to soften my heart. God is the potter and I am the clay. I need to remain pliable so that He can form me into the vessel He desires.

Prayer My Lord please take this anger and wrath from me. Soften my heart always so that I may be the child You desire. I love you Dad help me succeed in Your name.

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