Daily Devotional

The Children We Have Slayed

Scripture Ezekiel 16:21 that you have slain My children and offered them up to them by causing them to pass through the fire?

Observation: America has not protected our children. Abortion is the number one killer of children, they are sold for sex trafficking, abused by their parents and not protected. These are not our children, but God’s. God has a special place in His heart for children and He says if we don’t become like little children we won’t see the kingdom of Heaven.

Application: I need to see all children as God’s. I need to do what I can to protect them and guide them to our Lord. I’m donating to an organization that helps stop child sex trafficking and I need to find other ways to help children. I believe voting for the right candidates will slow down abortions in this country and stop funding for organization that support the death of children.

Prayer Dear Lord guide me each day on what You desire me to do to help protect Your children as I also am one of them.

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