Daily Devotional

The Lord Has Spoken

Scripture Ezekiel 17:21 All his fugitives with all his troops shall fall by the sword, and those who remain shall be scattered to every wind; and you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken.”

Observation: When God does a miracle, we should all be aware and give God glory. We need God to fight for America there is so much evil surrounding this country and only God can save us. We need to pray as a country for His mercy, grace and protection to keep America from falling into the hands of our enemies.

Application: I need to do my part and pray each day for this country that I love. I need to pray for the freedoms we have and that God would take over. I need to pray for our president who to lead in Godly principles. I need to pray that our children will be able to enjoy the freedoms I grew up with.

Prayer My lord please place a protection around America help us fight our enemies and give us strength and wisdom to do what is right. I pray that this country would turn to you and that there will be a great revival that will glorify you.

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