Daily Devotional

Walking in God’s Statutes

Scripture Ezekiel 20:19 I am the LORD your God: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and do them;

Observation: God gives us so many chances in this life and His rules are simple. Walk the way God calls us to walk, know, do and keep God’s judgments. All He commands us to do is for His glory and our own good. There is nothing He asks of us that we can’t do and when we do them it brings us joy.

Application: I continue to read God’s word and I know what He desires of me and what His judgements are. I need to do them, just not know them. He deserves everything that I have and yet I give so little to Him. I need to be more obedient in my calling for Christ.

Prayer My Lord I know I can do all things in Christ, help me be close to Him. That my heart will be devoted to You and that I would be guided by the Holy Spirit each day to accomplish Your desires.

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