Daily Devotional

God’s Vengeance

Scripture Ezekiel 25:17 I will execute great vengeance on them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I lay My vengeance upon them.

Observation: This world deserves God’s judgement and vengeance. We have strayed far from God and have set up idols and have done all kinds of evil. We kill our children before they come out of the womb, we abuse our children and sexual immorality has become normal. I wait for the day that God makes His appearance and that He will be known throughout the earth.

Application: I’m called to be here to glorify God with the life He has given me. Above all things I need to do God’s will in my life, that He may be glorified through me. I need to do whatever He calls me to do to turn other’s hearts to Him. I need to warn others of the vengeance that is about to come.

Prayer My Lord You are worthy of our praise and that we may give You glory. We deserve your vengeance and judgement we have done evil in your sight. May we turn from our wicked ways that you might have mercy on us.

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