God’s Judgements Executed
Scripture Ezekiel 30:19 Thus I will execute judgments on Egypt,
Then they shall know that I am the LORD.
Observation: I believe God is executing His judgements on this world. We have strayed so far from Him and closer to Satan. God will make it clear that He is the creator and his displeased with His creation. We deserve God’s judgements, because I believe it’s not that Satan has become stronger but God’s children have become complacent.
Application: To do whatever I can to make others aware of what is happening. To pray and seek God’s face to find out what my part is in this time. Do whatever God calls me to do and not to be focused of the things of this World, but be a reflection of God’s glory.
Prayer Dear Lord forgive your children and the lack of zeal we have. Draw us close to You and open our eyes on what You call us to do. We are your servants and desire to please our master.