Month: August 2024

Walking in God’s Statutes

Scripture Ezekiel 20:19 I am the LORD your God: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and do them;

Observation: God gives us so many chances in this life and His rules are simple. Walk the way God calls us to walk, know, do and keep God’s judgments. All He commands us to do is for His glory and our own good. There is nothing He asks of us that we can’t do and when we do them it brings us joy.

Application: I continue to read God’s word and I know what He desires of me and what His judgements are. I need to do them, just not know them. He deserves everything that I have and yet I give so little to Him. I need to be more obedient in my calling for Christ.

Prayer My Lord I know I can do all things in Christ, help me be close to Him. That my heart will be devoted to You and that I would be guided by the Holy Spirit each day to accomplish Your desires.

What America Was Like

Scripture Ezekiel 19:10 ‘Your mother was like a vine in your bloodline,
Planted by the waters,
Fruitful and full of branches
Because of many waters.

Observation: This was about Israel, but it also could be speaking of America. America at one time was strong and if you were an American years ago you were a proud American. As we continued to take God out of our country removing Him from our schools, government and as we turned to abominations instead of His commandments America lost its way. We are now suffering from our unfaithfulness as Satan is taking a front seat in our leadership. God is giving us an opportunity to turn from our wicked ways and repent if we will bring Him back as the leader of this country.

Application: I need to do what I can to help open the eyes of the people God puts in my path. I don’t need to lead them to a political leader but to our Lord. If we turn back to God, He will heal this land who has turned against Him.

Prayer Dear Lord I seek your face and humble myself before You. Hear my prayer as I turn from my wicked ways so that You may hear from heaven and heal this land.

We Aren’t Faithful

Scripture Ezekiel 18:9 If he has walked in My statutes
And kept My judgments faithfully—
He is just;
He shall surely live!”
Says the Lord GOD.

Observation: This is why Jesus had to come, because we can’t keep ourselves from sinning. We are not faithful and without the Holy Spirit we couldn’t even come close. God knew our hearts and knew we needed a redeemer if we were ever going to see heaven.

Application: Do my best to stay close to God and stay away from sin. Stay in prayer asking for guidance and when I fall, I need to repent and beg for forgiveness.

Prayer Dear Lord I want to spend all eternity with You and I know I can’t do it myself. Please guide your servant to do what is pleasing to you and keep me from sin. I love and need you Lord.

The Lord Has Spoken

Scripture Ezekiel 17:21 All his fugitives with all his troops shall fall by the sword, and those who remain shall be scattered to every wind; and you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken.”

Observation: When God does a miracle, we should all be aware and give God glory. We need God to fight for America there is so much evil surrounding this country and only God can save us. We need to pray as a country for His mercy, grace and protection to keep America from falling into the hands of our enemies.

Application: I need to do my part and pray each day for this country that I love. I need to pray for the freedoms we have and that God would take over. I need to pray for our president who to lead in Godly principles. I need to pray that our children will be able to enjoy the freedoms I grew up with.

Prayer My lord please place a protection around America help us fight our enemies and give us strength and wisdom to do what is right. I pray that this country would turn to you and that there will be a great revival that will glorify you.

The Children We Have Slayed

Scripture Ezekiel 16:21 that you have slain My children and offered them up to them by causing them to pass through the fire?

Observation: America has not protected our children. Abortion is the number one killer of children, they are sold for sex trafficking, abused by their parents and not protected. These are not our children, but God’s. God has a special place in His heart for children and He says if we don’t become like little children we won’t see the kingdom of Heaven.

Application: I need to see all children as God’s. I need to do what I can to protect them and guide them to our Lord. I’m donating to an organization that helps stop child sex trafficking and I need to find other ways to help children. I believe voting for the right candidates will slow down abortions in this country and stop funding for organization that support the death of children.

Prayer Dear Lord guide me each day on what You desire me to do to help protect Your children as I also am one of them.

Our Persistence in Unfaithfulness

Scripture Ezekiel 15:8 Thus I will make the land desolate, because they have persisted in unfaithfulness,’ says the Lord GOD.”

Observation: I can see why God would stop blessing America, because we have been unfaithful and have abandoned Him with our lack of faith. If His children, the Christians, who are called by His name don’t humble themselves, pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways our land will be desolate.

Application: God has given me a task for now and that is to reach people by praying with them for their needs and for our country. I need to personally be praying for our country and the president so God may hear and forgive our unfaithfulness.

Prayer Dear Lord please show mercy to this land you have blessed us with. May we turn from our wicked ways and make you the head of this country and that we will be obedient to all You call us to do. May we serve you with all of our hearts.

The Land That is Unfaithful

Scripture Ezekiel 14:13 “Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it.

Observation: America sure qualifies for a land that is unfaithful. God has been patient with us until now, but how much longer can His mercy go on. I try not to listen to the news, but by all reports it looks as if Satan is taking over this country and the people are not putting up much of a fight. This country has removed God so far from it and it’s hard to see Him through our unfaithfulness.

Application: I have no control over anyone but myself. I must stay faithful and do what I can to spread God’s word. I shouldn’t get involved in any gossip or pick a fight if someone disagrees with me, but do what honors God.

Prayer My Lord please forgive the evil that is happening in this country, a country You have blessed and protected throughout the years. May there be a revival to bring others to your name and use me as you desire/.