Daily Devotional

God’s Glory Shone

Scripture Ezekiel 43:2 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory.

Observation: Today God’s glory is still shone by the earth, but we don’t look. When I go to the beach and see that beautiful ocean, the mountains in the distance and the beautiful plants God created they all show Gods glory, but we take them for granted. We get used to seeing them but don’t see the magnificence in them and that someone great had to create all these things. There is no excuse to miss His glory we chose not to see it.

Application: When I see these magnificent things and know that’s its God’s glory revealed I need to stop in awe and thank Him for His glory. I need to be more referent when I noticed these magnificent sights and worship Him.

Prayer My Lord thank you for surrounding me with your glory. May I never take it for granted and always take time to point these miracles out to others that they may also glorify you.

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