Daily Devotional

Our Inheritance Is Not on This Earth

Scripture Ezekiel 46:18 Moreover the prince shall not take any of the people’s inheritance by evicting them from their property; he shall provide an inheritance for his sons from his own property, so that none of My people may be scattered from his property.

Observation: Our government continues to tax the people including an inheritance tax. We are taxed and things are being taken away from us because of poor management. The one thing that can’t be taken away is our inheritance in Heaven where neither rust or moth can destroy. We need to start being more focused on the inheritance we have been given by our Lord and less building up treasures here on this earth

Application: I’m always worried about money and yet God has blessed me so abundantly. I have a beautiful home, the most amazing woman as my wife, and blessed with family. My time should be spent in glorifying God and remind others of the blessings that they have in God.

Prayer My Lord thank you for all that you give me and all that You do for me. May I always show my gratitude to You and share that gratitude with others. Thank You Lord.

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